Tectonic Grounds 2016

Tectonic Grounds is a course at the University of Melbourne exploring digital fabrication techniques, physical computing and rapid (laser-cut) 1:1 prototyping to deliver a 1:1 folly. The subject has an emphasis on hands-on exploration of spatial and creative processes will challenge the role of drawing, making and constructing skills within today’s technology, defining contemporary standards […]

Aditnalta 2016

The internet is a place with unique vernaculars, cultures and locations; it is a place for one to explore, discover and design domains. Aditnálta is an island manifested on the internet; a cloud of immaterial dreams that continues to weave and stitch its way on the World Wide Web. Within the context of the pinged […]

Aditnalta 2015

The internet is a place with unique vernaculars, cultures and locations; it is a place for one to explore, discover and design domains. Aditnálta is an island manifested on the internet; a cloud of immaterial dreams that continues to weave and stitch its way on the World Wide Web. Within the context of the pinged […]

Tectonic Grounds 2015

Tectonic Grounds is a course at the University of Melbourne exploring digital fabrication techniques, physical computing and rapid (laser-cut) 1:1 prototyping to deliver a 1:1 folly. The subject has an emphasis on hands-on exploration of spatial and creative processes will challenge the role of drawing, making and constructing skills within today’s technology, defining contemporary standards […]

Aditnalta 2014

Imagine designing new worlds. In June 2014 Aditnalta 2.0 was launched, a fictional island that governs new opportunities to re-imagine, re-design and re-build a realm with no physical boundaries, limits or rules. This island became a living test bed to explore the potentials of spatialising digital media. Functioning as a ubiquitous pop-up studio we will […]