Imagine designing new worlds. In June 2014 Aditnalta 2.0 was launched, a fictional island that governs new opportunities to re-imagine, re-design and re-build a realm with no physical boundaries, limits or rules. This island became a living test bed to explore the potentials of spatialising digital media. Functioning as a ubiquitous pop-up studio we will occupy this online environment with an assemblage of props, devices and infrastructures within our surroundings. Grappling with the challenges of the internet we devised ways to create spatio-temporal connections between physical prototypes and digital experiments. During the two week journey, Aditnálta 2.0 became a cloud of curated ideas, immaterial dreams and unbuilt narratives, to continuously evolve as an online spatial repository. The collaborative co-creation of this digital shanty involved the use of interactive 3D graphics, WebGL technologies, real-time game engines and 3D scanning techniques. These tools will allowed workshop participants to develop ways of working through storytelling, time-based media and real world data manipulation.
Explore the island and discover the projects here
Mond Qu
Artemis Doupa
Denis Vlieghe
Aditnalta2014 students:
Adrian Bonaventura
Alex Morse
Alisa Parveen
Amandeep Singh Johal
Natalia Rotelli
Vito Andreas
Zishi Han
Student videos:
Nathália Rotelli
Vitto Andreas
Alex Morse
Adrian Bonaventura
Zishi Han
External links: