Tectonic Grounds 2015

Tectonic Grounds is a course at the University of Melbourne exploring digital fabrication techniques, physical computing and rapid (laser-cut) 1:1 prototyping to deliver a 1:1 folly.

The subject has an emphasis on hands-on exploration of spatial and creative processes will challenge the role of drawing, making and constructing skills within today’s technology, defining contemporary standards of craftsmanship. The subject also investigates the application of interaction design to create a unique and personalised experience of the space.

Tectonic Grounds is based on collaboration and teamwork, focusing on creating an interdisciplinary approach to utilise computing tools (digital + physical) for architectural design.

2015 was the inaugural year for Tectonic Grounds, and students created “Onyx” a structure made from polypropylene pods. The pods were designed to maximise the material properties to allow it to span and take loads.

Onyx is a physical birthchild of data input and user interaction; a frankenstein monster of the digital and the physical. It feeds off our digital and physical inputs and in return, it gives us various forms of digital and physical response. Our interaction with Onyx keeps it alive.


Jannette Le
Mond Qu
Denis Vlieghe

Guests and Supporters:
Alan Pert
MSD Events and Exhibitions Team

Kate Corke
Shane Ge
Kay Chen
Jilly Raleigh
Nicholas Bergin
Huimin Xu
Jason Toh
Alice Choi
Calvin Yong
Pablo Andrade
Cheng Chen
Alexander Wong
Tengxiao Liu
Ding Yu
Jackie Tsang
Anju Sharma
Jiawen Zhang
Jing Xie
Shaobo Zhu
Xiao Wang
Yu Fei Du
Yingjie Xu
Alexandra Gower
Gunes Erok
Amanda Loughman
Jing Wen
Bryan Fan
Darcy Zelenko
Fabian De Rango
Junhan Foong
Vincent Kong
Thomas Lo
Vitto Andreas

External links: